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Cabin in the Woods. Podcast Episode 3.

Writer's picture: talkperformancetalkperformance

Below is the full text for Episode 3 of Fight With a Stick's podcast series, The Refrain Getting in Sync With the World. It can be found on the usual podcast platforms and on the Fight With a Stick website: . The immersive sound environment was composed by James Maxwell. The script was written and performed by Alex Lazaridis.

Cabin in the Woods


Sit back a moment and get into the mind of something around you

Could be a chair or a table if you’re in a room

Could be a park bench or a leafy tree if you’re at a park

If you’re in the forest in Tanzania it could be the family of baboons sitting with you

If you’re swimming in the Salish Sea amid a family of sea lions in a flush of algae, kelp, plankton, sunlight and bracingly cold cold water, just be with all of that

Or something else

One: Evolution

At the moment of the universe’s birth

a cabin appeared on an outcropping of rock

About 12 billion years ago sound emerged

from cosmic dust

knocking on the cabin door

About 500 million years later

selection pressure on noise

shaped some sound into words

“Let me in” was the cry

10 billion years ago words made ears

so that words could be heard and consciousness

could wrestle with confusion

that comes from word shaped meaning

“Who is it?” was first heard then

Ten minutes ago it rained

Two: Cabin on a rock

Wetness forms as a rain drop

rain drop is wet

wet is wet

wetness feels around things

or makes night

night feels itself around a globe

a person regards the moon

moon thinks I cannot touch the person

except with light

person wonders can I touch the moon?

all that dust

all that powdered moon-face

bird touches tree branch

and thinks my toes touch so far from my head

tree touches bird with its branch

so far from its inside

the inside of a tree feels around under a skin of grass-covered earth

grass lifts the weight of a creeping mist

mist regards the cabin on a rock

eagle perceives through waiting

waiting perceives through eagle

cabin on the rock thrums

and makes drumming with the falling rain

in the night

inside and outside

inside a universe and outside it

inside a cabin and outside

electrons agitate

floorboards hum as one

under feet

over rock

the rotating earth shoves the light of dawn over the cabin

light permeates

moon hesitates

a hand reaches for the door

body goes with hand

inside atmosphere suspends

door opens

inside and outside air exchange worlds

lungs open

something has taken a breath

something has given it

Three: Running

The side of a face puts its bones against a paddle

that dips in the ocean and listens

The great walrus rests its throat on the ice

and opens its flesh to the depths

Another face puts ear to railroad track

to sense oncoming events

Two feet put skin to concrete

and receive the fullness of seismic dread

A bird as delicate as it is small

finds itself surrounded at all times

by flutterings of air

A heavy rain cloud measures the weight of the bird

and finds it is less than zero

Then the eggshell that surrounds the day

cracks in several places and electric light

burns through

Running replaces waiting

Four: A wasteland

There’s a war in the heaven of all gods

this afternoon

By evening they will be dead

A truck crosses a wasteland made by the conflict

empty of gods of any size

a truck carrying an absence of freight

but laden with values such as formulas, phrases

and parables

There are no signposts in the wasteland

All directions are possible

The driver stops

gets out

opens the back and looks in at an empty space

crowded with numbers, letters,

judgements, and passions

Who asked for these

and where were they to be delivered?

A person delivers

a truck delivers

a river delivers

as does a road

a cataract

a whirlpool

and gravity

Insect delivers honey

soil delivers microbe

mother delivers child

sky delivers rain

rain delivers rain

stick stirs honey microbe child sky and rain

Something stands by to eat it

Something gets satisfied

gets hungry again

Hunger is a form to contain desperation

Desperation is movement inside a form

that breaks the form

Movement insists on form

makes truck

truck insists on road

road insists on wasteland

to remake the gods

who laugh now and make company

as afternoon is reborn


The lazy footsteps of a spider have become

so loud in the tiny bones of my ears this morning.

There’s a crawling.

There’s a multiplying and erasing.

Silence never arrives.

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1 Comment

Ridds Seo
Ridds Seo
2 days ago

nice writing skills, really enjoy this article!

situs togel


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